The Essence of Christlikeness

Compassion | Forgiveness | Holiness | Blessedness

The Habits of Christlike Leaders

Habits of Christ likeness

Willing Mind

Obedience to the will of God

Loving Heart

Sharing the love of Christ

Helping Hands

Prayer in Action

Serving Spirit

Servant Leadership

Growing in Christlikeness


Shaping life purpose and calling by prayer.


Building character and growing in the knowledge of Christ by obedience.


Blessing by serving.

Becoming Christlike Mentor Leaders

Register for a free workshop on
holistic mentor leader development

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    • What is Holistic Mentor Leader Development
    • Why Mentoring
    • Foundation of Christlike Mentor Leaders
    • Methods of Mentoring
    • Mentoring Process
    • Mentoring Models
    • Characteristics of a Mentor Leader
    • Understanding Mentees

    About AMENKIND

    Amenkind strives to help young people prosper in their everyday endeavors by providing guidance to help make right choices, act on God given potential, and expand the kingdom of God.

    Amenkind vision is to “Go and raise leaders to shape, build, and bless next generation leaders to advance the kingdom of God.

    Amenkind prayer is to engage, equip, and empower Christian youth through mentoring, coaching, and discipleship.